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SALE: 10% off

【No Overseas Shipping】SWIX TST010 TS 20g

Item #:cd90398

Original Price:18480JPY


112.19 $(USD)
〇→ in stock ×→ Sold out
*All size measurements on our site are in Asian sizes.


  • DHL
  • EMS
  • SF Express
We will notify you by email regarding the confirmation and changes of the shipping method.

【 Details 】


■TST010 / TS Turbo Yellow 20g
Racing wax that works on dirty snow and dry snow with a high friction coefficient (ice bars, etc.)

Dirty snow and dry snow with a high friction coefficient (ice bars, etc.) Racing wax that works

SIZE: 20g
0°C to +10°C
Fluorine-free *Product registration is based on the information in the manufacturer's proposal. Product name and specifications may change without notice.

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